Aphria (TSE:APHA) Trading Down 5.6%

Shares of Aphria Inc. (TSE:APHAGet Free Report) traded down 5.6% on Monday . The stock traded as low as C$16.41 and last traded at C$16.55. 9,609,357 shares were traded during trading, an increase of 56% from the average session volume of 6,161,365 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$17.53.

Aphria Stock Performance

The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 59.29, a quick ratio of 1.63 and a current ratio of 3.37. The stock has a market cap of C$5.24 billion and a P/E ratio of -8.23. The company has a 50 day simple moving average of C$16.55.

About Aphria

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Aphria Inc cultivates, processes, produces, markets, distributes, and sells medical cannabis in Canada and internationally. The company offers pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis, adult-use cannabis, and cannabis-derived extracts and derivative cannabis products under the Solei, RIFF, Good Supply, Aphria, P'tite Pof, and Broken Coast brands.

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